"Behavioral guidelines"
We understand the impact of our business activities on the environment, improve processes, reduce defects,
In order to improve business efficiency, we will implement the following items to the extent technically and economically possible.
1.Reduce CO2 emissions
2.Reduce waste and promote reuse of resources
"Quality policy"
Set goals for improvement activities to achieve the quality policy, and promote improvement activities by section.
In order to operate the quality management system appropriately, appropriately and effectively,
Conduct a management review and revise the quality policy according to the results.
Ensuring internal communication and ensuring the effectiveness of the quality management system improve continuously.
"social responsibility"
As a responsible business operator in the natural environment, we practice production activities that have a low environmental impact, aim to be a company with a social responsibility,
Which is our basic philosophy, and contribute to the realization of a prosperous local community in harmony with the environment.